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How to Create a website using WordPress (it’s easy to use)

Create a website using WordPress (Step by Step)

Hey, what’s up everyone on this Blog. I’m going to show you how to build a WordPress website using Bluehost so this is a complete step-by-step tutorial. if you’re a beginner and you’ve never built a website this blog is for you.

So the first thing you’ll need to do is you’ll need to sign up for Bluehost you can do this by clicking the link that’ll take you right to this website and you’ll click get started now so you’ll choose your plan for just $2.95 a month you can host one website or for $5.45 a month you can host unlimited websites so once you select your plan.

Choose a Domain
So once you’ve created a Bluehost account you should be inside the Bluehost dashboard now. it’s easy to get lost in all these buttons here but if we’re creating a WordPress website. we actually don’t have to mess with any of this stuff. we just have to go down here to the website and find install WordPress and click on that ok so now. we’re going to choose the domain that we’re going to install WordPress to now.
Installing WordPress
If you’ve just created your account you should only have one domain but after you select your domain click Next so now we’re going to add the admin information for your WordPress site the first one you’ll do is the site name or title then you’ll choose the email address that you want to be associated with your account your admin username and password now the user name and password will be used to login to your WordPress site once.
you’re done with all of that go ahead and click next notice at the top it says WordPress is installing once it says installation complete click view your credentials here. so at this point, you should see your username and password displayed as well as the domain you just installed WordPress to go ahead and click on the domain that should take you to your WordPress login go ahead and enter the username and password you just created and click login.
Login WordPress
So now you officially have a WordPress website and if you’re logged in you should see this screen so now I’m going to show you how you can customize WordPress sites. I’m going to show you how to create pages how to create blog posts and just a few of the basics to get you started. so the first thing you’ll want to know is how to see your website and you do that by clicking in the top left corner here clicking on the site title so this is the website. I have so far now I haven’t actually done anything the reason it is already content here is that this content is part of the theme so the theme is what basically controls the design aspects of your website. so if we click on the site title again it should take us back to the dashboard and we’re going to talk about themes for a second you change your theme by going to appearance and then themes so as you can see I currently have the 2017 theme installed.
Installing Theme
If you want to change it to one of the themes on here just simply click activate now. if you want to find other free themes go to wordpress.org themes right here and you can search through hundreds or maybe even thousands of free themes. I’m not sure how many there are but there are a ton so once you find one that you like click install and then click activate so now if we go back to our website. we’ll notice that it is a completely different design and that’s because we change the theme so before I talk about adding blog posts and pages and menus and things like that let’s get familiar with the customize panel you click on customize right here or if you are back in your dashboard you can find customize by going to appearance and customize that way so the first tab here tells us. which theme we have installed and allows us to change it right here in the customize panel the next tab is the site identity. if you click on that will give you the site title and a tagline so notice my site title is nomadic household and the tagline underneath.
Customize Site
It says just another WordPress website so if we wanted to change that too here is a tagline. we would just fill it in there and click Save and publish okay so now. we’ll hit the back button and go back to the customize menu and the next tab is colored if we click on colors we’ll notice we can change the header text color which is right here or the background color. let’s try changing the header text color which is currently white I’ll set it to red so there it is it changed that quickly all you have to do is click Save and publish and it’s final and you can always go and hit clear and it will put it back to the default settings so if we look again at the colors there was background color. if we change that it changes the white background there to red or blue or green or whatever we want and if we want to put it back to white we can simply click on default and click Save and publish so again.
Changing Color
Let’s go back and take a look at the next tab which is the header image now. you can take this site title out and put an image there such as a logo or something like that just by simply adding a header image in here and clicking Save the next tab is the background image. if we click on that and we were to upload an image it would replace this white background with an image background so that is the customized panel for the most part before. we get any further in it I want to show you how to create custom pages and blog posts, so let’s exit out of the customize panel and go back into our dashboard. we’ll start by creating a blog post to do this you’ll go to post right here and you’ll click add new to create a new one or you can find posts. you’ve already created right here so let’s click add new and this is where you’ll enter the title of your post.
Adding post
I’m going to call mine my first blog post and you’ll enter your text right here and if you want to add an image. you’ll do that by going to add media once you’ve created the blog post that you want you just click publish now notice that the link for this post is my website comm slash the date and then the name of the post and maybe you want to change it so that it’s simply the name of the post right after your website that way you have very clean URLs for your post the way that you change this is you.
Setting up URL
Go to settings and go to permalinks notice that it’s set on day and name that’s why the date is showing up as well you just click on post name and Save Changes and now if we go back to our post and click on my first blog post here notice the date is taken out of the URL so now let’s talk about pages. we could go back to our dashboard but since we’ve already got the panel here we’ll just click on pages that are created the same exact way click add new to add the title of your page add the text media you’d like to add and click publish. so if we go back to pages we’ll notice there is the sample page and the page we just created. so now that we have at least two pages let’s talk about menus if we go back and look at our website this page has already been added to the menu but we can customize this we can take pages out add pages in and organize them exactly.
Adding Pages
How we’d like you can do that by going to menus here or if you’re back in the dashboard you go to appearance and find menus right there so the first thing. you’ll do is you’ll name your menu and you’ll click create a menu so we have page one and sample page showing up on our website. If we wanted to remove the sample page from showing up we can simply go to remove here and click Save now if you wanted to add a home page because your home page isn’t an actual page. what you’ll do is you’ll go to the custom link you’ll add your URL choose the text that you want the menu to display.
Ready to Use
I’ll add home click Add to the menu and we can drag that above page 1 and if we go to pages you can always add pages back in by checking them and clicking Add to the menu so under the menu settings will check the navigation menu under display location and click Save menu now we should have home page 1 and sample page so that’s how you create a menu in your WordPress site. Okay so now we’ve started with Bluehost and we’ve created a WordPress website and I’ve shown you. how to use the customize panel how to create blog post pages menus and basically the best way to get better at building websites is to start building them so if you need more help with your website be sure to check out our other blog where we often do tutorials on building WordPress websites so thank you so much for reading this blog. I hope it was helpful and if it was please let me know in the comments. how I could be more helpful so thanks again and I hope I see you in another Blog. and how to make money in blogging basics ideas hereclick check this…
(Any Issue How to create A website using WordPress, WordPress website building tutorial, website design with WordPress For beginners, how to build a WordPress website Just Check this Vlog post.)